El Cabildo de este año fue como siempre la antesala de las fiestas. Se abordaban las cuentas de las fiestas de 2024, el presupuesto para las fiestas del 2025, se elegía al alcalde de fiestas, en la persona de José Joaquín Palao Navarro, que estará acompañado en el cargo por, Paula Palao García, se daba conformidad a los nuevos capitanes y bandas de música, hubo propuestas sobre los festejos, y finalmente los ruegos y preguntas.
La salida hacia la Plaza de San Blas se realizaba desde la Plaza de la Constitución hasta la ermita a cargo de autoridades, clero y Mayordomía, acompañados de las banderas de las Comparsas, festeros y vecinos a los acordes de las bandas locales, tanto la Sociedad Unión Musical y Artística de Sax como la Sociedad Instructiva Musical Sones de Sax.
This year 2024, the Cabildo was held again, which on December 26 brought together a large number of people around the square of the hermitage of San Blas, as is customary in our town.
The Cabildo is an institution that dates back more than five centuries, unique in the Valencian territory. Since the Middle Ages, it gathered the neighbors to vote, by show of hands, on political, economic or social issues, but due to later prohibitions it was limited to dealing with matters related to the Moors and Christians festivals, and has been able to endure in this way. The first written documentation about the Cabildo dates back to 1627.
This year 2024 marked the 397th anniversary of the Cabildo, a unique event that has been held since 1627 every December 26 and in the same place, in the square of the hermitage of San Blas. Given its antiquity and its peculiarity, it is currently a unique event throughout the peninsula.
This assembly, which has its origins in the popular councils in which matters affecting the municipality were discussed, although today it only deals with issues related to the Moors and Christians Festivals in honour of San Blas, and thus serves as a prelude to this celebration. It is convened by the ringing of the bell.
Initially, in the middle of the medieval period, this assembly served to decide any issue of municipal scope. However, in modern times, the affairs of the Council have been reduced to the festive aspect of the Moors and Christians that Sax celebrates from 1 to 5 February. According to history, on 10 January 1627 an open council is held in which the residents make religious vows to San Blas and Santa Barbara. On July 26, the Bishop of Cartagena issues a Resolution granting Sax the right to a half-day of religious celebrations for San Blas and Santa Barbara, «so that these festivities are observed until noon, as other festivals are observed and celebrated.»
The day began for many festival-goers early in the morning in the barracks, with warm drinks, lunches and even the accompaniment of music bands.
This year’s Town Hall was, as always, the prelude to the festivities. The accounts for the 2024 festivities were addressed, the budget for the 2025 festivities, the mayor of the festivities was elected, in the person of José Joaquín Palao Navarro, who will be accompanied in office by Paula Palao García, the approval was given to the new captains and music bands, there were proposals on the festivities, and finally the requests and questions.
The departure towards Plaza de San Blas was made from Plaza de la Constitución to the hermitage in charge of authorities, clergy and Mayordomía, accompanied by the flags of the Comparsas, party-goers and neighbours to the strains of the local bands, both the Sociedad Unión Musical y Artística de Sax and the Sociedad Instructiva Musical Sones de Sax.